Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Coming Soon: More crappy articles....yay..

  • Find some of the stuff on this site entertaining?
  • Feel unsatisfied by my meager offerings?


Soon this site shall be packed with so many crappy, useless articles written by myself and linked from other sites, that you will never need to leave your basement! I know I don't.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Co-Op Collection Revealed!

Xbox 360 CO-OP fans rejoice! Finally, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 gets more content for you and your buddies to "accidentely" TK each other in! Go "Friendly Fire" for the win!

read more | digg story

Britain Recruiting Spies Through Video Games!

"Are you the next James Bond? GCHQ, Britain's equivalent of NSA, places ads in video games looking for IT-savvy potential spies."

Only question is when do I get my License to Kill,and my Aston Martin?
Too bad the new agents will never know the touch of a Bond Girl. Or any other girl for that matter.

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HUGE List of Nintendo Wii Upcoming Game Releases

Extensive list of upcoming Nintendo wii games.

Well....all these rotten game companies are going to force me to redo my console comparison again by Jan 08. Good news is that there will lots of great stuff for all the gamers out there.

read more digg story

Sony Shakes Up U.S. PlayStation 3 Lineup With Another Price Drop!

"Move mirrors earlier changes in Japan; 80-gig model now $499, new 40-gig version will be $399 but won't play legacy PS2 games."

Ok, now PS3's may be one of my top pick. That is dirt cheap for a BluRay player. And you get an amazing game system!

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Sony promises 380 more games to boost PS3 demand

" TOKYO (Reuters) - Sony Corp. (6758.T: Quote, Profile, Research) expects at least 380 new PlayStation 3 games to hit the market this business year and says that should rev up demand for the console that has so far lost out to Nintendo's (7974.OS:..."

Well, this will change my opinion about Playstation 3 cost vs value. I'll need to do a new Playstation 3 vs Nintendo Wii vs Xbox 360 article.

read more digg story

Video Games Are Good for Kids

"Even violent games teach children cooperation, personnel management and patience, says author Marc Prensky."

Ok, Hell has officially frozen over. Next we'll see that Meth & Hand Guns are great for employee moral.

read more digg story

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Playstation 3 vs Nintendo Wii vs Xbox 360

Looking to buy a new Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox 360 or Sony Playstation 3?

The console wars are really hot right now and the best system for you may not seem clear.

The DrunkenTyger's Den has a quick list detailing the highs and lows of each machine.
I have skipped some of the details that all the share. Such as a good online service, state of the art graphics and so forth. These details were what I thought was key differences between the system.

Nintendo Wii


  1. You get exercise while you play!

  2. Innovative controls make for a new gameplay experience.

  3. Excellent party games!

  4. Cartoony family oriented games galore!

  5. Nintendo only "must have games" like Mario and Zelda.

  1. Hardcore gamers might find the games lacking in depth.

  2. Too much exercise in games might be difficult for long term gaming sessions.

  3. Danger of whacking your buddy unconscious and paying for hospital bills.

  4. Games might be too family oriented for mature gamers.

Nintendo Wii Conclusion: Great machine, everyone should own one. But buy it for the exercise or if you only play with friends when they visit. Not as your only hardcore game machine.

Microsoft Xbox 360

  1. A large selection of excellent games.

  2. HD DvD Player (optional)

  3. Xbox only "must have games" like Halo 3 and Gears of War.

  4. Dark & gritty games galore

  1. Age old console with very few innovations over previous years.

  2. Can die at any time. Aka "Red ring of death" (New Xbox 360's might not have the red ring of death issue)

  3. Won't get your mind and body in shape like the Wii.

Microsoft Xbox 360 Conclusion: A great all around gaming machine and my own favorite. I use my 360 more than my Wii. But both are unique and are must haves in their own way.

Playstation 3
  1. Has a BluRay DVD player. And the price for a PS3 is about the same as a BluRay player.

  2. Has some really smoking graphics power.

  3. Has a new SIXAXIS Contoller system which enables gives more interaction. (Wii still wins for cool controls though)

  4. Great multimedia capabilities.

  5. PS3 only "must have games" like Heavenly Sword and Killzone 2

  1. Cost is higher than the other systems by quite a bit. Can get a base Xbox 360 and Wii for about same price as a PS3. (But a good deal if you need a BluRay player. Seems BluRay is pulling ahead of HD DVD from what I have seen)

  2. Hardly any games out right now.

  3. See #2 (Hard to justify the price tag until some good games to play are released)

Sony Playstation 3 Conclusion: A great machine to buy if you want a BluRay player. Otherwise I would buy a Wii or 360 until more games are released.

I know I have missed several benefits of each and hope that you might help out by posting your own thoughts below. Please keep all comments constructive and refrain from flaming myself and others.

Thank you.

Is it safe to mod my Wii or Xbox?

The short answer: no

When it comes to the modding community, the reality is that nothing is 100% safe. But, in all likely hood, most people who purchase a mod chip and install it on their own console will escape the notice of law enforcement agencies.

But with major sting operations occurring recently.

"US Gov't Cracks Down On Pirated Games"

"Sony busts down mod-chip retailer with $9 mil. lawsuit"

"Raid casualty comes forward to tell his story"

I think the better question would be:

Why should I mod my console?

Let's take a look at the positives and negatives to each:

Why mods are good:
  1. You can play copies or backups of games.
  2. You can install software and other utilities that enhance the functions of your console
  3. Games load faster. (If mod or system permits backup from CD/DVD to hard drive)
  4. Your friends will think you are the $%$ because this seems "dangerous".
Why mods are bad:
  1. They are illegal and YOU MIGHT GO TO JAIL!
  2. It hurts the gaming industry due to the revenue lost from software piracy.
  3. You won't be able to play on your systems game network like Xbox Live or Wii Online.
  4. Firmware updates can "brick" your system. Meaning it's "dead, kaput, toast, finished"
  5. See #1.
My biggest issue if the high cost of buying video games. Some games really suck and there is no way I want to pay $40-60 for them. Some high quality games are so short that I play them for 3 hours and beat them. Since I don't feel mods are really worth the danger,

I personally use a legal and cheaper alternative to buying every console game!

(If you want to give it a shot. Free trial offer on right sidebar. Adblockers need to be off to see it)

While Gamefly is not the fastest service in the world, they have been overall pretty good. I have been using them for several months and even purchased some of the games I really enjoyed.

There is also the option of just running down to Hollywood, Blockbuster or one of your local video stores and renting.

I hope this gives you a good perspective on what the benefits and pitfalls are. The choice is ultimately up to you. And you most likely will install it fine and play without worries. But if you are like me, you find that chance always seems to pick on you. I'd rather not have one of the negatives happen to me.